Digital Image and Signal Processing
This course was taught to MAUCA1 students until 2024.
The objective of this course is to present the fundamental mathematics and concepts of discrete-time signal and image processing. These topics are presented in the context of signal processing and extended to image processing. A large part of the course will be devoted to computer implementation of signal and image processing systems.
- Discrete-time signals and systems
- Properties of systems
- Linear and time invariant (LTI) systems. convolution
- Linear constant-coefficients difference equations
- Frequency response of a stable LTI
- The z-transform and filter design
- z-transform properties. properties of the roc
- z-transforms and LTI systems
- Design of discrete-time iir filters and design of fir filters
- The discrete fourier transform
- Representation of periodic sequences: the discrete fourier series
- Fourier representation of finite-duration sequences
- Properties of the dft, linear convolution using the dft
- Computation of the discrete fourier transform and fft algorithms
- Image processing
- Convolutions in space domain and fourier domain
- Matrix representation of convolution and properties
- Elementary image transforms, edge detection
- Image filtering
- Introduction to wavelets
- Time frequency analysis
- Continuous and discrete wavelets transform
- Multi-resolution analysis
Practical work
A large part of the course is devoted to 4 practical projects, where the students will code various algorithms and compare theoretical results with simulation results.
- Signal filtering
- Fourier analysis and circular convolution
- Image processing
- Wavelets analysis
Students will have to complete these projects during the course and are welcomed to work in pairs and to submit a single document. The computations will be preferentially carried out in julia or python.
Course textbooks
The course will cover parts of:
[1] Discrete-Time Signal Processing (3rd Edition) Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, and John R. Buck. Prentice-Hall Signal Processing Series
[2] Digital Image Processing, 4th Edition Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Pearson
[3] A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing: The Sparse Way Stéphane Mallat, Academic Press Inc.
- Chapters 1., 2. and 3. of the course: Chapters 1-6 and 8-9 of [1]
- Chapter 4. of the course: Chapters 3-4 of [2]
- Chapter 5. of the course: parts of [3]