Nice airport traffic

using Dates, CairoMakie

function airport_pass()
    tick_years = Date.(2012:2023)
    DateTick = Dates.format.(tick_years, "yyyy")
    traf_nice = [11_068_465, 11_432_028, 11_535_824, 11_889_288,
        12_300_643, 13_172_535, 13_719_099, 14_356_977,
        4_525_639, 6_452_074, 12_008_810, 14_082_130] 
    fig = Figure()
    ax1 = Axis(fig[1,1])
    scatterlines!(ax1, 1:length(DateTick), traf_nice, linewidth=2)
    ax1.xticks = (1:length(DateTick), DateTick)
    ax1.xlabel = "Year"
    ax1.ylabel = "Number of passengers"
    titlelayout = GridLayout(fig[0, 1], halign = :left, tellwidth = false)
    Label(titlelayout[1, 1], "Air traffic at Côte d'Azur airport", halign = :left,  fontsize = 20)
    Label(titlelayout[2, 1], "", halign = :left, fontsize = 12)

with_theme(airport_pass, theme_light())
André Ferrari
André Ferrari

My research interests include statistical data processing, inverse problems and machine learning