
You need to compute a subset of the outputs of a 2D FFT with a large zero padding? Try PrunedFFT.jl. It works also on GPU🔥

using PrunedFFT

n = 128
x = rand(n, n)
n_pad = 1024
k_span = collect(512:612)

f = pruned_fft(x, n_pad, k_span)

If CUDA.jl is installed

using CUDA

xc = cu(x)
f = pruned_fft(xc, n_pad, k_span)

For a very large zero padding, GPU🔥 acceleration is a must!

julia> @time f1 = pruned_fft(xc, n_pad^2, k_span);
 0.713510 seconds (78.25 k allocations: 1.792 GiB, 17.73% gc time)

julia> @time f1 = pruned_fft(x, n_pad^2, k_span);
19.362908 seconds (2.25 k allocations: 9.985 GiB, 3.82% gc time)
André Ferrari
André Ferrari

My research interests include statistical data processing, inverse problems and machine learning